More on history of dominoes and how and why some dominoes differ in style and numbers
A brief history of dominoes in the US begins with European and Chinese dominoes
We've spoken before
about the history of Mexican Train Dominoes' name. The game's name conjures racist undertones, and by some definition, it should. But dominoes — in all their forms — have developed with the people and cultures that export it to new lands.
As dominoes spread around the world, various materials were used to create different sets, reflecting the game's adaptation and enduring appeal across cultures. The game gained popularity in Italy during the 1700s, becoming a beloved pastime and soon found a cult following with the French. The French word 'domino' relates to the design of the tiles, referencing its meaning connected to a priest's hood, thus providing part of its aesthetic evolution.
Spread of dominoes in Europe
Dominoes is believed to have been introduced to Europe by Italian missionaries who had traveled to China in search of new treasures and lands. The first recorded mention of dominoes in Europe dates back to the 18th century when a French prisoner of war brought a set of dominoes back to France. From there, the game spread rapidly throughout Europe, with different countries developing their own unique versions and rules.
One of the most popular forms of dominoes in Europe is the double-six set, which consists of 28 tiles with different combinations of dots. This set is still widely used today and is a staple of many European domino games. The French developed their own version of the game called “dominoes à la française.”
Most domino games evolved based on war and troop movement
Much of domino history is lost to time. But there is agreement that domino games began in China during the Song Dynasty as early as the 11th or 12th century. These domino games take a form we might recognize today with a traditional six-pip (dot) style domino tile.
There is little agreement on the origin of the term "domino" (either Latin's 'dominus', or 'master of the house', or based on a half-mask common in ancient Chinese culture). European-style dominoes may have evolved as a word because of their similarity to a hooded cape with black and white lining worn by French priests.
Like languages and diseases, many variations sprang up in different periods at different times. European dominoes originated in Italy in the early 1700s. Chinese dominoes evolved in the Asian subcontinent's vast geography to accommodate different strategies, tile starts, designs, and domino sets.
There is a theory that the 1918 flu epidemic originated in Kansas. Supposedly a farmer contracted the flu from a pig. The farmer was then drafted into the Army and shipped out with units of men that spread far and wide to Europe, Asia, Macedonia, and South America. Because of the virus's lengthy incubation period, the disease lay dormant and then emerged in the colder winter months simultaneously.
So it goes with dominoes and games. Chinese scripture suggests Hung Ming, a Chinese soldier, came up with the idea for dominoes using 32 domino tiles, perhaps as a way to pass the time. The British were introduced to a variation of dominoes that used 28 domino tiles by French prisoners of war, who likely got it from Italian soldiers in the early 1700s. Where the Italians got the idea is a mystery, but the slave trade and exploring ships are likely sources.
When playing domino games, you’re either blocking or scoring
The play style between European style dominoes and Chinese dominoes is similar:
- Each game includes 2-4 players
- Each player draws from a pile of domino pieces at random
- Similar to playing cards, two suits or matching domino pips are organized on the board
- Play proceeds clockwise
- The first player to eliminate all their tiles wins
These same strategies share themes with domino games that are offshoots, like Mexican Train Dominoes or Chickenfoot. Gameplay involves players moving to play their last tile before the game ends. But that's where the similarities ended.
Each domino has been assumed to mimic the results possible from throwing two six-sided dice. One half of each domino is set with the pips from one die, and the other half contains the pips from the second die. Chinese dominoes also mimicked "civil" and "military" suits or styles. Chinese dominoes were historically longer than western ones.
French philosopher Michael Dummet believed the tile's identity mattered most in western variations, with no concept of matching pips to the same number on the other player's tiles. Rather, players combined strategies from dice games for scoring purposes that led to victory.
Most domino games are either "blocking" or "scoring" games.
- Blocking games are most common, where the goal is to release all your remaining dominoes before your opponents do. Mexican Train Dominoes is among the more common blocking games.
- In scoring games, points are awarded based on various rules, such as the suits called or where a double belongs.
Domino tiles made of unusual materials further shaped games
Just as troop movement shaped our language, health, and culture in an era before flight and online interaction, dominoes evolved with dominant cultures. European dominoes expanded with the European powers of France, Spain, and Britain — coming eventually to new worlds like the Americas.
As the popular pastime spread, people used whatever materials they had available to them to create domino tiles. Stones and wood were common synthetic materials among Chinese dominoes and European-style dominoes. There is evidence Eskimos have made domino tiles out of bones. At one point in many royal histories, Kings and Queens sometimes used men on large open stages or fields as single domino "tiles."
The colors of the pips also evolved based on materials available to individuals and cultures. It's not unreasonable that six pips became common because of the size of available tiles. White pips or black pips were likely the most common color combinations because of the relative ease of creating white or black dyes or paints. Colored pips likely started with more common red, green, and blue dyes before including harder color combinations to create, like purple or violet. Double blank tiles (for a zero tile) probably made for easy production of at least one of the tile pairs.
As popularity expanded in cafes, coffee houses, and pubs worldwide, variations increased, especially as materials became easier to work with. Double nine, twelve, fifteen, and even sixteen sets enabled other players to join in larger sets at the table.
Gameplay has evolved over many centuries, with people able to play individually against computers or other players online. Domino sets continue to evolve with intricate accessories and, like chess sets, come in a variety of styles, materials, and are either mass-produced for cheap production or forged with a sense of craft. The most expensive domino sets are made of gold and diamonds, held in a marble case and are
valued at $153,000.
If you don't have $153,000 for 28 dominoes, you can get a double-twelve domino set for free with our
Mexican Train apps and
online gameplay.
Dominoes in society continues to evolve
Dominoes have played a significant role in society for centuries, providing entertainment, socialization, and intellectual stimulation for people of all ages. In Cuban culture, dominoes are a popular form of social entertainment, with friends and family gathering to play the game together for hours on end. The game is also a popular form of competition, with many tournaments and championships held worldwide.
In the US, domino games tend to be forgotten compared, perhaps because of their inherent simplicity. But in addition to its social benefits, dominoes have also been recognized for their cognitive benefits. Playing dominoes has been shown to improve memory, concentration, and problem-solving skills, making it a popular activity for young and old. The game is also a great way to develop strategic thinking and planning skills, as players need to think ahead and plan their moves carefully.
Dominoes as collector items
For many people, collecting domino sets is a fun and rewarding hobby. Like D&D players who collect dice, dominoes come in just as many different types of domino sets available, ranging from traditional wooden sets to modern plastic sets. Some collectors specialize in collecting vintage domino sets, which can be highly valuable and highly sought after.